Friday, October 14, 2011

learning simple things

My cousin Terra.  Well she started out as my cousin Buttzie.  We are only a couple years apart.  Growing up in a large family, small town we were only bound to end up more like sisters than best friends.  We were together all the time.  Fighting continually throughout our years.  You know, me stealing her clothes, boyfriends (well not so much, just her friends that where boys).  Her wanting to be like her big cool cousin.  We have been through a lot together.  Good and bad.  Her making me wear that ugly brides maid dress - bad.  Very Bad!
Anywhoo, I need to shorten this up.  Life goes on.  She has a beautiful son.  One she would lay down and die for as any other mother would.  He develops this rare disease (I don't even know the name of) and has had many surgeries throughout his young life. He is a whole other blog.  Amazing child.  Deals with a pain you or I couldn't imagine having everyday.  As she is wishing she could take this all away from him, she discovers she has a brain tumor.
Ok, this is where my heart expands.  This woman is going through so much, yet I was able to have dinner with her and enjoy a movie afterwards.  Easy you would think.  Yes, it was for me.  For her, not so much.  Of course, because of the med's she is not able to enjoy a glass of wine.  While she is ordering she is wondering how she can read the menu because her vision is so bad.  We enjoy dinner and head off to the movie.  The movie, where she can't sit for to long, because of the swelling in her body from the massive amounts of steroids that she is on.  Soon into the movie a hot flash comes over her.  I feel her head and she is on fire.
Here's the thing.  Through all of this.  She didn't bitch once.  Not once.  She amazes me.  I would be crying for the world to hold me.  To realize what I was going through.  Not her.  I wouldn't leave my house.  Drive - noway.  Not her.  Remember to take my 30 pills a day.  She does that.  Sit through a movie in misery trying to act like nothing is bothering her.  Not me.
I'm feeling bad because I didn't work out all week.  Because my business' stress me out.  Because the weather sucks.  Really?  Really?  Time for me to simplify my life a bit.  Time for me to be humble.
Time for me to give back what Terra gives me.  STRENGTH.  You have professional football players trying to win a game (getting paid millions), Tiger Woods trying to save his career and name brand.  Politicians trying to win your vote.  Terra is just trying to fight her battle as well as her Sons.  Not for money or fame.  None of that matters.
Thank you Terra for loving me until you hate me.  I will always love my Buttzie.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Yes, I'm kind of new to this whole blogging idea.  Is it really worth it for me to sit down and tell you how I feel or what I think of certain things?  Do people still read blogs?  I guess I do.  I like to check out random blogs about hair and fashion.  Do's and Don'ts.  That kind of thing.
I just don't feel like I can be totally honest here, because I might just offend someone.  I might just say what I truly think and then what?  You send me hateful emails.  You face book me horrible things.  Is it really worth it to give the world to much information?  To much knowledge about ones self?  I'm an open book.  You get what you see.  I say it like I see it.  Gets me in trouble all of the time.  I guess I can't quit now.  What fun would that be?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, Monday, Monday

I'm sitting here thinking that it is fall and I'm what you consider middle aged.  I think I am at least.  41?  Is that middle age?  If it is, I have a whole hell of a lot of stuff I need to get done before I'm old age.  I am looking forward to becoming old, I don't want it to fast.  We know what happens after old age.
Have I ran enough races?  Cooked enough cookies?  Left my mark on this world so that someday my great, great grandchild will remember me and say: "you know that was my great G.G that did....."  What did I do?  What is it?  I'm looking for it.  Is that what people do when they are middle aged?  Looking for it?  Instead of realizing they have it?  I know I have it.  Love, Life, Laughter and a whole bunch of other stuff in between.  Happy Monday.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A day in debbie's Head.: Work out harder????

A day in debbie's Head.: Work out harder????: I mean really? Really? I ran this morning, worked all day and then went to my class for what I guess you could call kick boxing. Grante...

Work out harder????

I mean really?  Really?  I ran this morning, worked all day and then went to my class for what I guess you could call kick boxing.  Granted, I probably shouldn't have eaten a bag of m&ms on the way over.  I did have a red bull.  I thought it gave me wings.  I worked out so hard that my knees are black and blue, I can't cough with out feeling the aches in my abs and I am deleting and retyping just as fast as I can because of the shakes.  Although that could be from not having a drink since Saturday as well.
Leaving the class with my sweaty headband (I forgot to slip the depends pad in it, you would be amazed at how much sweat this holds.  Patent pending) and wings on my back.  Feeling like I could take on the world.   I get the "hey Debbie".  "Your only here for an hour.  You should really try to give it your all."  I thought he was only kidding.  I mean talk about taking the air out of my wings.  I thought I did give it my all.
Poop lip sticking out, head down I leave the room.  Wanting to cry all the way home.  I could quit.  That would be easy.  I don't do - EASY.  I'll be back.  With wings and my depends for my headband.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mondays aren't bad in my world.

I went for what I thought would be a nice little run today.  Instead, I ended up going for a great walk with my camera.  I met a little friend on the trail (We'll call him Fred) Not sure if he was going to make it.  He wasn't moving much.  What else was I to do but put him in my sports bra and continue on my walk.
My friend Fred and I went a little farther down the trail and I came across these strange mushrooms.  Do you eat these?  I wonder if I would die if I just licked them?
As Fred and I continued down our path, we entered the tunnel of sticks.  Some people hate these (wikee ups, I like to call them) Fred and I love them.  They just add a little more something- something to the trails. If you like this, you should see the rock piles.
It was a great day.  For me at least.  I came home and googled frog legs for dinner.  Just kidding!

Friday, September 9, 2011

meeting my new niece

How thrilled I was to arrive safe and sound 8.5 hours after leaving home to arrive at my brothers house.  He had told me that if I needed him, I could call at anytime.  As he would have his phone by his bed.  I had texted him at 1:00 a.m. to send me his address.  He got it this morning.  A little late you could say.
Anywhoo, sleep finally arrived about 3:00 a.m.  Only to have my sweet little niece jumping on top of me at 6:00 a.m.  What a peanut.  I was able to spend some quality time with her before she left for school.  I had promised to read a story to her class as well as attend lunch with her later on today.  Good times.  I made a lot more friends and found out that I should probably think about going back to the first grade to learn some interesting things.  Who knew.  To, two and too.  Pronouns in first grade.  REally?  I thought we still would take naps.  I think they wanted to put me in time out after making 60 paper airplanes for the kids.  Oops.
My new little niece Kate.  God how I love her.  I didn't think it was possible.  She is such a good little baby.  Poor thing looks like a little old man with her hair line (no worries, Auntie crazy will fix that).  She is beautiful.  I can't wait to see what kind of woman she grows into.  She has the cutest smile ever.  I'm sure she is brilliant.
I need to catch some sleep so, I can continue to teach my elder niece how to fight.  There was a child in class that was bothering other kids.  I told her if he came around to kick the kid in the balls.  My brother told me that we don't talk like that in this house.  Oops.  So, I didn't talk.  I just showed her.  Tomorrow, back flips off the diving bored.  Boxing in the back yard and ice cream and cupcakes in the evening.  We played until she passed out tonight.  Hopefully we will do the same tomorrow.  I only have a day left.
Peace and love my friends.  Peace and love.