How thrilled I was to arrive safe and sound 8.5 hours after leaving home to arrive at my brothers house. He had told me that if I needed him, I could call at anytime. As he would have his phone by his bed. I had texted him at 1:00 a.m. to send me his address. He got it this morning. A little late you could say.
Anywhoo, sleep finally arrived about 3:00 a.m. Only to have my sweet little niece jumping on top of me at 6:00 a.m. What a peanut. I was able to spend some quality time with her before she left for school. I had promised to read a story to her class as well as attend lunch with her later on today. Good times. I made a lot more friends and found out that I should probably think about going back to the first grade to learn some interesting things. Who knew. To, two and too. Pronouns in first grade. REally? I thought we still would take naps. I think they wanted to put me in time out after making 60 paper airplanes for the kids. Oops.
My new little niece Kate. God how I love her. I didn't think it was possible. She is such a good little baby. Poor thing looks like a little old man with her hair line (no worries, Auntie crazy will fix that). She is beautiful. I can't wait to see what kind of woman she grows into. She has the cutest smile ever. I'm sure she is brilliant.
I need to catch some sleep so, I can continue to teach my elder niece how to fight. There was a child in class that was bothering other kids. I told her if he came around to kick the kid in the balls. My brother told me that we don't talk like that in this house. Oops. So, I didn't talk. I just showed her. Tomorrow, back flips off the diving bored. Boxing in the back yard and ice cream and cupcakes in the evening. We played until she passed out tonight. Hopefully we will do the same tomorrow. I only have a day left.
Peace and love my friends. Peace and love.
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